
Universidad de Sevilla, 25 mayo 2023 Program

日期 Date

作者 Author

  • 15:00 Registration

  • 16:00 Welcome

  • 16:10 Presentation of the Sino-Spanish Campus and the video of the 10 first years of the SSC

    • Xavier Ferre, Director for Asia, UPM

    • Li Xiangning, Dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji

  • 16:40 Three Dialogues about the Experience and Future of Mobility with China

    Moderator: Lourdes Reig, Vice-Rector of International Policy, UPC

    • Plácido González, faculty at Univ. de Sevilla & Tongji Univ.

    • Antonio Pérez Yuste, faculty at UPM

    • Laura Primo, PhD student, UPM

    • He Lu, PhD student, Tongji & UPC

    • Eulàlia Gómez Escoda, Assistant director of International Relations and Academic Staff Mobility, School of Architecture, UPC

    • Alicia García del Blanco, Head of the International Office, School of Architecture, UPC

  • 17:40 Coffee break

  • 18:00 Visions of Architecture from 3 continents: China, Mexico and Spain

    Moderator: Li Xiangning, Dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji Univ.

    • Carles Crosas, Head of the Department of Urban and Territorial Planning, UPC

    • Manuel Blanco, Dean of the School of Architecture, UPM

    • Roberto Íñiguez, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design, Tec de Monterrey

    • Ramón Pico, Dean of the School of Architecture, Universidad de Sevilla

    • Li Linxue, Architect, Dean of the College of Arts & Media, Tongji Univ.

    • Zhuo Jian, Head of the Department of Urban Planning, Tongji Univ.

  • 19:00 Formal opening

  • 19:45 Official photo

  • 20:00 Social event: Flamenco show and dinner, Rectorado Universidad de Sevilla

  同济大学版权所有 上海市四平路1239号 021-65988619 / 65983331 ssc_tongji@163.com