
中西合璧 美美与共

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Expert introduction :

Dr. Xavier Ferre, associate professor at the Computer Science School at Univer sidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), is Rector’s Delegate for Asia at UPM and Co-Di rector of Sino-Spanish Campus at Tongji University since 2021. He is a researcher at the Ageing Lab,Center for Biomedical Technology(CTB) of UPM,where he applies his expertise in the Human-Computer Interaction field to the e-health domain.He has taught tutorials in the two main conferences of the Software Engineering (28th Intl. Conference on Software Engineering-ICSE'06)and Human-Computer Interac tion (CHI-2011) fields. He has co-authored highly cited papers with Ben Shneider- man and Larry L. Constantine and acted as Principal Investigator in 2 European projects and 3 national level projects and participated in more than 20 other research projects. He was appointed as High-End Foreign Expert by the Chinese government for research collaboration with Tongji UniversityChina(2015-2017)

Lecture introduction:

Mobile applications are a fundamental tool in today’s society for practical and social endeavors. These technoloaies. nonetheless. are often not usable for older users. Given the increased usage of mobile applications by this group ot users. and the impact that certain services may have on their auality of life. such as, mobile health, personal finance or online administrative procedures they need to be taken into account when designing mobile applications. Certain conditions associated with ageina. such as reduced evesiaht skin dryness or decline in screen device. Despite these difficulties and despite misconceptions by some memory or attention capacities, affect the way they may interact with a touch-technology designers, this population will be willing and can actually use mobile applications, provided that they are designed taking into account their specific characteristics and their motivations. We will explore in this talk how a designer can create a good User Experience (UX) for older users.considerina the results of our research at the Ageing Lab at CTB-UPM about usage of technology by older adults. co-creation and usability testing with them, and quidelines for the desigr of mobile apps for older users.





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